Why is Mason Day celebrated on May 3 in Guatemala

Why is Mason Day celebrated on May 3 in Guatemala

On May 3, Guatemala and other Latin American countries celebrate the Day of the Mason , a date that coincides with the feast of the Holy Cross and they are closely related. Thus, every year, this day is full of excitement, laughter and celebration among the workers of a construction site, who dedicate a moment of their day to thank and ask that they get rid of an accident or fall.

Read on and discover the history and origin of the Day of the Mason in Guatemala.

Origin of the Day of the Mason

The origin of the Day of the Mason does not originate in a specific event or a specific event but comes from the tradition of those who are dedicated to construction, who used to place crosses at the top of the work with materials that were left over from the construction so that everyone could see it and ask for the integrity of the workers and that no accident occurs.

The Day of the Holy Cross was a custom among the peasants who when emigrating to the city and some became construction workers, and thus over time the Day of the Holy Cross also became the Day of the Mason.

Today, it is still a tradition that in many parts of Guatemala , masons perform the rites to celebrate the Day of the Holy Cross and the Day of the Mason . To do this, they prepare a cross with waste from the work the night before, decorate it with everything they find in the place, put it on top of the work and prepare an altar for it. The next day, if possible, mass is celebrated and then there is a celebration with lunches for everyone and even alcoholic beverages.


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