How was the Typographer's Day in Guatemala born

How was the Typographer's Day in Guatemala born

The Surveyor's Day is a celebration that takes place every May 13 in Guatemala ; the date seeks to pay tribute to all workers in the printed industry in the country. This anniversary has its origins in 1948. Do you want to know what happened? Read on and discover the whole story.

History of Typographer's Day

The history of the Day of the Typographer in Guatemala begins in 1948 with the opening of the first typefaces, where those in charge of printing, ordering, cutting, folding and collating the sheets of paper, thus contributing to the dissemination of education in all the corners of the country.

However, Typographer's Day was formally established on May 13, 1959 throughout the country, although there were already organizations that had been celebrating this date from previous years such as Prensa Libre, which since 1952 formed a committee to organize and celebrate typographers. on the appointed date.

In this celebration, cultural events, excursions and fellowship with other companies were organized. The magnitude and importance of this day was such that on May 13 the newspaper did not circulate.

With the passage of time the exercise of this profession has been decreasing due, among other things, to the growing era of printing technology, however, there are still those who keep this tradition alive, teaching children how large machines worked in museum spaces.

This date has a significance beyond celebrating the typographers, since Guatemala became the 4th city of the Spanish colonies in America to establish its printing press.


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